Registration Services

Planned Maintenance: CSUDH Student Systems

ToroPay (Transact)7月1日,我们将升级到新的支付系统Transact,提供更流畅的体验! 

Registration & 支付系统将在6月30日太平洋时间晚上11:59到7月1日太平洋时间上午9:00停止服务.

Complete any pending payment, Student Center, and Faculty Center transactions before Friday, June 28th at 6:00pm PT. 注册确认信息/电子邮件(包括付款收据) may be delayed until the morning of Tuesday, July 2nd.

College of Continuing & Professional Education Registration Office

如果您对继续和专业教育学院课程注册有特别的疑问, you can reach out to us via phone at 310-243-3741 (Option 1) or via email at 请不要使用此电话询问校园内的问题 departmental contacts.

Choose Your Registration Type:

Professional Certificate Registrations ▼ Academic Program Registrations ►

Professional Certificate Registration


请注意,对于EMT计划和选择的OSHA课程, a separate application is also required.


  Online Self-Registration

购物车位于每个项目或OSHA课程的时间表中. 每个证书课程的时间表位于证书课程的网站上(见上面的课程列表)。. 对于OSHA课程,提供的时间表在每个课程的页面上.

New Students

  • 如果您是CSUDH的新手,并且从未参加过CCPE课程, simply select the course you want to take, click on the Cart icon to register, input your personal information, and pay for your class(es).

Current Students

  • 如果你是一名在过去6个月一直活跃的现有CCPE学生, you will use your regular CSUDH login information.

Past Students

  • 如果你是过去两年没有参加过任何活动的CCPE学员, 请像新生一样注册你的第一门(返校)课程. 


3rd Party Payer and Contract Training Registration

如果你是下列类别之一的学生, 请致电cpe注册办公室310-243-3741(选项1) Office Hours to register: 

  • If you are receiving funding through WIOA, DOD, EDD or other government agencies
  • 如果你的雇主用信用卡以外的付款方式支付你的工资(采购订单), invoices, etc.)
  • 如果你的雇主花钱请几个人参加一门或几门课程
  • 如果你正在注册一个由你的雇主签约的培训


Registration Assistance

If you have any issues during this process, 请致电cpe注册办公室310-243-3741(选项1)或 CSUDH IT Help Desk at 310-243-2500. IT Help Desk office hours are Monday-Friday 8am–6pm PT.

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 CSUDH CCPE Registration Office Hours

Our Office Hours are changing! 请注意,7月1日,面对面和电话联系时间将更新... 届时,有关新细节,请参阅此信息部分!

The CSUDH College of Continuing & Professional Education (CCPE) Registration Office is open during the following hours (Pacific Time):

Effective 1/1/24MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday
  In-Person or Phone:8am–5pm8am–5pm8am–5pm8am–5pm9am–5pmCLOSEDCLOSED
  Virtual Only:5pm–8pm 5pm–8pm  —5pm–8pm  — 8am–1pm CLOSED

Upcoming Special Event & Holiday Closures:
• Juneteenth Holiday—Wednesday, June 19
• Independence Day Holiday—Thursday, July 4
• Labor Day Holiday—Monday, September 2


Find My Username

 Find My Username ►


Campus Safety Information

CSUDH campus safety and security reports: Clery Act Reports.

Refund of Fees

Refund of Fees

你必须在学院继续和专业教育办公室提交适当的表格才能获得退款. Students must officially drop their courses. 对于学分课程,学生必须提交相应的 "Drop" and "Request for Refund" forms 继续和专业教育学院办公室. 退款的生效日期为继续和专业教育学院办公室收到表格之日.

To receive a refund of fees for any course, 你必须在课程开始前至少两个工作天的上午9点至下午4点之间通知继续及专业教育学院. 您将被要求向我们的办公室发送一份退还费用的书面请求. 如果您需要在第一堂课当天或之后退课, 请立即通知继续职业教育学院注册办公室. 退款按照国家退款计划办理.

  • 如课程取消,学费将全数退还
  • If you withdraw prior to the first class meeting, 100%的课程费用将被退还(减去10美元的学分课程处理费)。
  • 如果你在第一节课结束后,在课程的前25%结束之前退学, 65% of the total fee will be refunded
  • 超过课程时间的25%,学费将不予退还
  • 四次会议或以下,或四周或以下的课程将不予退款.
  • 退款政策不适用于与其他教育机构合作开设的课程. These include, but are not limited to, 以下合作伙伴:绿图和人力资源管理学会(SHRM).

Refund Policy for Cancellations or Transfers

  • 必须在课程开始日期前至少2天取消,才有资格获得退款.
  • 必须在课程开始日期前至少两周提出转学申请,在两周截止日期后提出的转学申请将根据可用空间进行处理,如果没有可用空间,将无法获得退款.
  • 根据具体情况,每班只接受一次转学申请.

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Transcript Requests

Transcript Requests

Visit Admissions & Records for information regarding transcript requests; online transcript requests can also be submitted.

CSUDH Health & Wellness Services for Students


Payment Portal:

Services available through Student Health Services:
