Supply Chain Management


Supply Chain Management Certificate Online

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The Program


Who Should Attend

供应链管理,生产和库存控制该证书是为那些希望在供应链管理原理方面获得广泛教育的人设计的. Those already in the fields of production and inventory control, manufacturing, quality assurance, purchasing and procurement 此外,那些预期转行的人也将受益于目前在该领域工作的专业人士提供的实践培训.

Course topics include: supply chain management, detailed scheduling and planning, material requirements planning, capacity requirements planning, inventory management, supplier planning, procurement, operations execution and control, production processes, quality incentives, inventory control, master planning of resources, forecasting, master scheduling, strategic management of resources, 并将运营流程整合到战略计划中.


  • Improves employment marketability
  • 帮助学生准备国家认证考试
  • Taught by leading professionals in the field
  • Prepares student for employment in aerospace, electronics, military, hospitals, retail, and warehousing
  • 结合广泛的教育在供应链管理的原则与实际动手培训
  • 成功完成每门课程可获得三个学分的学士学位(高级)
  • Taught online and at company-sponsored sites

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我有幸成为Putz教授的供应链管理课程的学生, 这是一次非常丰富的经历. 普茨教授对这门学科有着渊博的知识, which is evident in every lecture and discussion. 他们将复杂的概念分解成可理解的部分的能力使学习既容易又愉快.
让Putz教授与众不同的是他在供应链管理领域的实际经验, 将实际案例和案例研究纳入课程, 这为理论概念如何应用于现实场景提供了有价值的见解. 这种方法不仅加深了我们的理解,也为我们未来的职业挑战做好了准备.
此外,他们的教学风格是高度互动和引人入胜的. 普茨教授鼓励课堂参与,营造一个欢迎每个问题并深思熟虑地回答的环境. 这使得课堂讨论生动活泼,内容丰富,增强了所有人的学习体验.
除了学术实力,普茨教授对学生成功的承诺确实值得称赞. 他们总是可以提供指导和支持, 无论是与课程相关的问题还是职业建议. 他们的指导对我的学术旅程和职业抱负产生了重大影响.
总之,普茨教授是一位杰出的教育家和导师. Their expertise in supply chain management, 加上对教学和学生成功的真正热情, 使他们的课成为任何对这一领域感兴趣的人的必修课. 我很感激我在他们的指导下获得的知识和技能,并强烈推荐他们的课程给澳门十大赌场注册平台.—Rai Ebreo, Fall 2023


每门三单元课程的学费见课程表. 教科书和其他相关材料不包括在学费中. 完成证书课程的预计预算是 approximately $3,650 (including all materials). There are five courses in the program.

Certificate Requirements

进入证书课程不需要申请. To earn the certificate, 你必须完成所提供的五门课程,达到总平均成绩2分.5 or better. 证书必须在学生开始课程后的三年内完成.


Instructor Profiles

About the Supply Chain Management Instructor

Frank Putz, Faculty Frank Putz, MBA, Instructor, Lifetime A.P.P., Lifetime C.P.M., CPSM Review Instructor, with over 30 years of experience in electronics, material planning, and military procurement practices. He has taught classes in economics, management, 供应管理(采购)和供应链管理. 他已经在协和大学任教超过20年. 他获得了CSUDH的经济学学士学位、工商管理硕士学位以及生产和库存控制证书. ► ►


Financial Assistance: WIOA Funding

Out of work and need training? 

该项目通过《正规澳门平台十大赌博》获得批准. Visit our WIOA Assistance Steps and the America's Job Center website for more information.

Digital Certificate Request

A 成功完成学业后颁发结业证书 of the required courses.

注意:一旦你完成了所有的必修课程, 您可以通过我们的在线申请申请证书. 处理时间从提交之日起约为6-8周, 并包括数字证书链接和打印的物理证书.

Apply to Receive the Certificate

Learn more about Digital Badges & Certificates

Accreditation & State Authorization


CSUDH is fully accredited by WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges).

State Authorization

澳门十大赌场注册平台根据国家授权信息,为其在线和远程学习学生提供以下信息 & Consumer Complaints federal Title IV regulation. Federal law [Section668.43(b)]要求所有机构必须向所有学生或准学生披露学生居住的所有州的投诉机构. If a student has a complaint or concern, 有关如何联系国家机构和登记投诉的信息, can be found at the following website:

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    Also see the Online CSUDH Certificate in Purchasing

 Information & Registration

When you're ready to register for courses, call 310-243-3741 (Option 1). 

大多数证书课程的注册截止日期是在课程开始前四(4)个工作日或更早; please check the Course Schedule for the program to ensure that you can enroll on time.

Have other questions?
检查这个程序的常见问题解答(如果提供),或者简单地 call: 310-243-2075, email:, or use our LiveChat ↘ 问问题或留下详细的信息正规澳门平台十大赌博这个程序.