

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact the 金融援助 & 奖学金 Office?

电子邮件: finaid@ayxx.net
In-Person: Toro Welcome & Information Center, WH 245

How do I apply for financial aid?

访问 studentaid.政府 to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form.
完成FAFSA表格,以考虑所有类型的州和联邦援助, 例如补助金, 工作研究, 贷款, and some scholarships.

访问 梦想.原子钟.ca.政府 to complete the California Dream Act Application.
的 California Dream Act allows undocumented & 根据议会法案540 (AB 540),符合非居民豁免资格的非居民学生可以获得某些类型的经济援助.

Do I need to submit tax forms?

金融援助 Office 如果您需要提交IRS纳税申报表,我们将向您的基督教社会联盟DH电子邮件帐户发送文件请求函或电子邮件。. 联邦政府对申请进行随机选择,以验证在FAFSA上提交的信息是否准确. If your application is selected for this process, 您将被要求提交您的父母和/或您自己的美国国税局联邦纳税申报表以及验证表.

How do I request a tax transcript?



财政援助办公室将逐案审查减少的家庭收入. 学生需要填写并提交一份收入调整申诉表. You will be asked to provide supporting documentation. Processing will take 2-4 weeks. 的 form is available at ayxx.net/financial-aid/forms.

What types of financial aid will I be considered for?

Based on your calculated financial need, you will be considered for grants, 贷款, or student employment. 的 federal programs are Federal Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, and Federal Direct Loan. 加州为其居民提供Cal Grant和Cal Grant B(需要GPA验证表)。. 科罗拉多州立大学提供州立大学助学金和教育机会助学金.

How do I get financial aid for the summer term? Will my summer classes be dropped?

如果你计划参加暑期班,并希望被考虑夏季援助, the 夏天的援助 Request Form will be available Spring 2023 at ayxx.net/financial-aid/forms.

How do I submit my financial aid documents?

Submit your documents to the 金融援助 & 奖学金 Office via financial aid dropbox.

How do I apply for scholarships?

所有已激活Toromail帐户的在校生和新入学的学生都可以通过奖学金门户网站申请奖学金 my.ayxx.net. For more information, visit ayxx.net/financial-aid/scholarships.

When will I receive my financial aid check?

To receive a financial aid disbursement, students must be enrolled in the proper number of units, must not have any university holds on their student record, must not be conditionally admitted to the university, and have submitted all requested documents by the deadline. 学生财务服务部将通过直接存款或在课程第一周前几天邮寄给您纸质退款支票来处理您的退款.


No. Whether you reside with your parents or not, 联邦政府有具体的标准来确定你的依赖状态. If you are an undergraduate student and at least 24 years old, or you have dependents other than a spouse, or are a graduate student, you will be considered independent. 然而, 如果你是24岁以下的本科生,但有特殊情况, 财务援助顾问将需要具体的文件,并在个人的基础上审查你的情况.

How do I apply for a student loan? Is t在这里 a separate application?

当你申请经济援助时,你将自动被考虑申请学生贷款. 基督教社会联盟DH does not require a separate application. More information about the types of financial aid available can be found 在我们的网站上.

What is Federal Work-Study and how do I apply?

联邦勤工俭学计划为有资格获得经济援助的就业学生提供资金. 在公布的截止日期前提交FAFSA和任何要求的文件,学生将被考虑获得奖项, and demonstrating financial need greater than $1,000. 此外,学生必须在他们的FAFSA上表示对勤工俭学计划感兴趣. 学生们在各个部门办公室工作,每月发一次工资. 上课期间,学生每周工作时间不得超过20小时.

What is Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)?

令人满意的学业进步(SAP)是经济援助办公室监测学生是否在良好的学术地位的过程. Read more about 基督教社会联盟DH’s SAP Policy 在这里.

What if I need to repeat a class?

学生只有在重修以前通过的课程时才有资格获得一次经济援助. 对于先前通过一门课程,随后在同一门课程中不及格的学生, 任何额外的尝试都不能包括在您的注册状态中,以确定援助资格. 财政援助办公室将根据调整后的入学状况,确定重复以前通过的课程的学生,并减少他们的奖励. 学生将在他们的ToroMail电子邮件帐户上收到通知,并被引导到学生中心查看他们修改后的奖项. 重复的课程也会影响学业进步(SAP)。, which must be taken into consideration when determining aid eligibility. Read more about 基督教社会联盟DH’s SAP Policy 在这里.

What is 基督教社会联盟DH’s federal Title IV school code?

的 federal school code is 001141.

Can I receive financial aid during the summer session?

是的. Submit a Summer 金融援助 Request Form, which can be found on our 表格网页.

What is an Entrance Interview session?

If you plan to borrow a student loan, 联邦法规要求学生参加入学面试或完成美国大学入学申请.S. Department of Education’s 在线 Entrance Counseling Session at studentaid.政府/entrance-counseling. 本节课的目的是为学生提供威廉·D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Programs. 这次讨论将包括正规澳门平台十大赌博学生权利和责任的信息, 还款方式, 延期, and consequences of default.


学生必须在退课前通知助学金办公室. 必须这样做,以便重新评估学生的经济援助资格. If you withdraw prior to the end of the semester, 你需要偿还超过你所注册的那部分学期的教育和相关生活费用所需的资金. 任何从校园退回的费用将自动退回到支付这些费用的经济援助账户. If you withdraw after the third week of classes, you are still responsible for the payment of your fees.

What does it cost to attend 基督教社会联盟DH?

University fees are charged based on your enrollment status. 点击 在这里 for the latest cost information.

What is the financial aid deadline?

联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)和加州梦想法案申请的优先申请截止日期为3月2日(5月2日), 2024 for the 2024-2025 application cycle). 提交2023-2024学年额外文件的截止日期是2023年5月12日.


Complete and submit an Income Adjustment Appeal Form. 随着你的呼吁, you must submit a copy of your (or your parents’) final paycheck stub, documentation of unemployment benefits, and an estimate of earnings income for the remainder of the calendar year. 然后根据预计收入(1月1日至12月31日)调整你的供款.