Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Satisfactory Academic Progress For Financial Aid Recipients

CSUDH is required by federal law to establish, publish, 并采用合理的标准来衡量学生是否在学业上取得了令人满意的进步, and to ensure progress toward the degree for all periods of enrollment, whether or not the student has received financial aid. 这些标准适用于CSUDH的所有经济援助接受者,并影响所有联邦和州援助的资格, including grants, student loans, and work-study.

自1月1日起,以下政策对学业进展满意评价有效, 2024, inclusive of Fall 2023 semester grades.

Standard 1: Minimum CSUDH GPA


  • Doctoral, Masters: 3.0
  • Credential: 2.5
  • Undergraduates:
    Junior/Senior (60+ units): 2.0
    Sophomore (30-59 units): 1.8
    First-Year student (0-29 units): 1.5
Standard 2: Completion Percentage – students must complete 66.67 % of Attempted Units with Passing Grades
  • Students must complete at least 66.67%的单元尝试通过等级a, B, C, D, I, CR或RP(正在进行的报告). 例如,一个学生在一个学期注册了12个单元,必须完成至少8个单元(12 × 10) .666 = 7.992 rounded up). Grades of F, IC, NC, W, WU, RD, and AU are considered non-passing grades and will lower a student's completion rate.
Standard 3: Maximum Timeframe - Attempted Unit Cap
  • 学生必须在修完课程必修单元的150%之前完成课程. 例如,120学分课程的学生必须在180学分内获得学位. 所有尝试的课程将被计算在内,包括转学单元、重修和退学. 最多30个补救单位可以从最长时间范围-尝试单位上限中扣除.
Financial Aid Warning

Students meeting all three SAP standards remain eligible for aid. At the conclusion of a semester, SAP将使用最近完成的学期的成绩和学分重新评估.

The first time a student does not meet either,

  • Standard 1: Minimum GPA or
  • Standard 2: Completion Percentage,

该学生下学期入学时将被列入经济援助警告名单. 此警告状态允许学生在下学期入学时继续获得资助, 同时试图使他们的GPA和/或完成百分比符合CSUDH财政援助满意的学术进步最低标准.

在财政援助警告学期后,同时满足标准1:最低GPA和标准2:最低完成百分比的学生, 是否再次达到所有SAP标准并继续有资格获得下学期的经济援助.


Financial Aid Disqualification


  • For students on Financial Aid Warning status, 如果他们在入学一个学期后未能纠正自己的不足,并且仍然没有达到标准1:最低GPA, and Standard 2: Completion Percentage.
  • Anytime a student reaches Standard 3: Maximum Timeframe - Attempted Unit Cap, 这意味着他们没有完成他们的课程,并且已经尝试了他们学位课程所需的150%的单元.


Financial Aid Appeals

被取消获得经济援助资格的学生将通过他们的ToroMail帐户收到通知. 经历过妨碍学业成功的情有可原的情况的学生, may complete and submit a SAP Appeal Form by the deadline provided in the email notification.


Standard 1: Minimum GPA and/or Standard 2: Completion percentage Appeals: 如果学生的上诉被批准,他们将被列入财政援助学术计划. Students are notified, via their campus ToroMail account, 申请批准的条件,以及他们必须达到的具体学术要求,以满足你的经济援助学术计划的条款,以便在本学期之后继续获得经济援助.

At the end of the semester, 财政援助办公室将审查继续援助资格的具体条件是否已经达到. 不符合SAP财务援助学术计划条件的学生将再次被取消获得财务援助的资格. 学生将通过其校园电子邮件帐户收到通知,告知他们如何重新获得援助资格.

Standard 3: Maximum Timeframe – Attempted Unit Cap Appeal: 当学生未能达到最长时间框架-尝试单元上限标准并希望上诉时, 学生还必须完成SAP申诉的“SAP申诉学位完成计划”部分, which details all required coursework remaining to complete your degree.

If approved, 学生将被允许额外的尝试单元来完成任何剩余的未完成的专业/课程要求. Students are notified, via your ToroMail account, 您的上诉批准的条件和将发生的任何监督要求. 学生是否应该在达到新延长的最长时间之前完成他们的课程, they will once again have their financial aid eligibility disqualified.

Appeal of Denial (2nd Level Appeal)
If a student’s appeal unable to be approved, student may wish to challenge the denial of their initial SAP appeal as follows:

  • The challenge must be submitted in writing to the Director of Financial Aid & Scholarships
  • Students must provide a clear written rationale for challenging the denied appeal.
  • 质疑必须在学生被告知上诉被拒绝后的两周内提交.

The Director of Financial Aid & 奖学金将审查二级申请,并酌情咨询其他校园合作伙伴进行评估, and responding to, your challenge.

Regaining Eligibility

因不符合标准1:最低GPA和/或标准2:完成百分比而被取消资格的学生不提交上诉, or have their appeal denied, may regain eligibility once they are once again meeting both of these standards, provided they have no exceeded Standard 3: Maximum Timeframe -Attempted Unit Cap.

Contact the Financial Aid Office

If you have any questions about financial aid, just contact us. We're here to help.

What Does SAP Stand For? and More (Video)

The link below takes you to our Financial Aid Basics video page, 在哪里你可以找到很多正规澳门平台十大赌博SAP和财政援助的常见问题的答案.

What does SAP stand for?