Finishing Registration

When can I register?

Visit ayxx.net/registrar/registration for instructions.


Academic Calendar -校历是列出学年主要学术日期的大学官方文件.

Where can I call if I can't get into my.CSUDH.edu?

如果您忘记密码或无法访问MyCSUDH,请与I联系.T. Call Center at 310-243-2500 and select option 1, 或单击本页底部的Ask Teddy选项卡,并单击与代理连接以获得帮助. 

I.T. Call Center Remote Support Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

How do I clear other holds?

要解除保持,您必须联系为您的帐号设置保持的部门.  要查看部门信息,请点击学生中心等待部分的“详细信息”. 

财务持有是因为账户上的未偿余额. Please Contact Student Financial Services at sfs@ayxx.net or (310) 243-3780 to arrange payment.

Where can I check for available classes?

The my.CSUDH.edu 门户为您提供了检查中的开放类的机会 Student Center. Use the Search for Classes option to look for open courses, to view courses with waitlists, 或查看任何课程修改(全部实时更新).

What are waitlists?

候补名单是包含希望增加课程的学生姓名的名单. 学生在从候补名单中被移到班级之前不会正式注册. 在注册期间,当一个班级已经填满时,就会创建候补名单. Once a waitlist has formed, you cannot add yourself into the class, you can only add yourself to the waitlist. 在开放的情况下,学生每晚从候补名单中转移到班级. Waitlists are available until the first day of classes.

How can I pay for my classes?

学生可以通过几种方式支付学费. You can pay:

  1. In person at the Cashier's Office with cash, check, or money order only
  2. By mail with check only
  3. 透过ToroPay网上付款,只可使用电子支票或信用卡

有关付款、分期付款计划或有用的出纳常见问题解答的详细信息,请访问 Cashier's Office website here.

What is the deadline to pay for my classes?

支付课程的截止日期根据学生注册的日期而有所不同. 此外,如果学生签署分期付款计划,有几个截止日期要遵守. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for information regarding fee due dates. See the Fees section of the Class Schedule for detailed information.

What are course fees?

有些课程附带实验费或设备费. These fees are mandatory if you enroll in the course. They can be identified in the Class Schedule by footnote 90 or 99.

What is the last day to add a class?

Please consult the appropriate Academic Calendar 确定适当期限的添加、删除和退出日期.

How can I get help with registration problems?

For assistance, please call (310) 243-3645 or email registrar@ayxx.net.


How do I apply for graduation?

Applying to graduate is done electronically. Log into your my.CSUDH.edu account. Click on the Student Center link. Find the Apply for Graduation link. Select your Expected Graduation Term. 核实你的学位信息、地址和姓名是否正确. Then click Submit! The Application for Graduation costs $90.00 if you are applying within the deadline. 如果你在截止日期后申请,额外支付15美元.00 fee is added to your account. 费用必须在提交申请后48小时内支付.    

When should I apply for graduation?

所有学生应不迟于公布的毕业申请 deadlines. 学士学位申请者如果至少修满90个学期单位或完成不到10门课程,则鼓励申请毕业. 

How do I check the status of my graduation application?

Students should login to their my.CSUDH.edu to review their Academic Requirement Report. 学术要求报告将表明你的毕业申请的状态以及你可能拥有的任何未完成的学位要求. 如果您对如何审查您的学术要求报告有进一步的问题, 请联系你的专业顾问和/或大学顾问.           


毕业评估反映了所有优秀课程,包括正在进行的课程. 在最终成绩公布之前,不满足课程要求.

我在一所社区学院获得了副学士学位. 你为什么要留我做通识课程?

副学士学位与通识教育(GE)认证不同. CSUDH学士学位候选人必须满足所有CSUDH GE要求或通过其社区学院获得GE认证.

What is GE Certification?

GE认证是社区学院根据他们的GE计划证明你已经完成了通识教育的过程. 该计划可能与CSUDH的GE计划不同,但被接受为满足较低部门的GE要求.




毕业是完成官方成绩单和学术要求报告上记录的所有学位要求. 毕业典礼是庆祝完成学位的仪式. 参加毕业典礼并不意味着你已经正式毕业并获得学位.


春季毕业典礼是为去年秋季毕业的学生和准备春季或夏季毕业的学生举行的. 如果你属于这些群体之一,你可以参加这些仪式. 然而,参加毕业典礼并不等同于毕业. 只有满足了所有的要求,你才能真正毕业. 如果你在指定的学期结束前没有完成所有要求, 你必须更改你的毕业日期并填写一份 Request for Change of Graduation Date form and pay a $10.00 fee. You may obtain this form on the Downloadable Forms web page.

有关毕业典礼的资料,请联络 Office of Ceremonies and Events by telephone at (310) 243-2666 or by email at events@ayxx.net.

Can I retake courses after I graduate to improve my GPA?

No. After you have graduated, your record is sealed. 一旦完成并授予学位,学业记录将不会有任何变化.

What do I need to do if I have been denied graduation?

Students are encouraged to contact their advisor 审查未完成的学位要求,然后提交 Change of Graduation Date form


Students should file a change of graduation form.这将允许学生注册一个额外的学期.